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Small companies that don't have much local competition might not need content creation. Instead, smaller companies might focus on local SEO. Meanwhile, larger companies that work globally will need a combination of these but not much local SEO. Our team of SEO experts at Tactica has enough experience to know what services your site will need. Much of what you need depends on your competition.
The cost of search engine optimization (SEO) will vary depending on the needs and requirements. The type, size, scope, and other factors can all affect how much it costs to complete a project. Some services may be more affordable than others while certain things like keyword density will also impact pricing for each campaign so you should set expectations accordingly when seeking out quotes.
The SEO Services package includes these activities: On-page SEO
Off-page SEO
Keyword research and strategy
Technical SEO Content creation (including guest blogging)
Site optimization
Link building (and link building strategy)
Local SEO